SubMitoPred is support vector machine (SVM) and Pfam based two level predictor which predict proteins localize to mitochondrial as well as submitochondrial location. This approach is based on combined usage of Pfam domain information and support vector machine model
Citation: Kumar R., Kumar B. and Kumar M. (2018). "Proteome-wide prediction and annotation of mitochondrial and sub-mitochondrial proteins by incorporating domain information." Mitochondrion 42: 11-22.
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BlaPred is a three tier prediction system specially trained for classifying and predicting β-lactamase into their respective class and sub-class according to the Ambler's classification. The prediction server is based on classic or Type-1 pseudo amino acid composition based svm model and have been trained and tested using leave one out cross-validation.
Citation: Srivastava A., Kumar R. and Kumar M. (2018). "BlaPred: Predicting and classifying beta-lactamase using a 3-tier prediction system via Chou's general PseAAC." Journal Theoretical Biology 457: 29-36.
ERPred, developed for the prediction of endoplasmic reticulum resident proteins with very high accuracy. This is a support vector machine based method, where we had used different forms of protein features as SVM input to develop the prediction models.
Citation: Kumar R., Kumari B. and Kumar M. (2017). "Prediction of endoplasmic reticulum resident proteins using fragmented amino acid composition and support vector machine." PeerJ 5: e3561.
PredHSP is capable to predict heat shock proteins and classify it into different families. It is based on coupled amino acid compo- sition (CAA) based sequence encapsulation as input and support vector machine (SVM) as the prediction machine.
Citation: Kumar R., Kumari B. and Kumar M. (2016). "PredHSP: Sequence Based Proteome-Wide Heat Shock Protein Prediction and Classification Tool to Unlock the Stress Biology." PLoS One 11(5): e0155872.
PredLactamase is a Chou's pseudo amino acid composition and support vector machine based two level predictor which predict Betalactamase and classify into its classes.
Citation: Kumar R., Srivastava A., Kumari B. and Kumar M. (2015). "Prediction of beta-lactamase and its class by Chou's pseudo-amino acid composition and support vector machine." Journal Theoretical Biology 365: 96-103.
NRfamPred is a SVM based two level predictor of nuclear receptor proteins and their sub-family.
Citation: Kumar R., Kumari B., Srivastava A. and Kumar M. (2014). "NRfamPred: a proteome-scale two level method for prediction of nuclear receptor proteins and their sub-families." Scientific Reports 4: 6810.
SubNucPred is a combined method of two different prediction approaches which predicts 10 different sub-nuclear locations namely: centromere, chromosome, nucleolus, nuclear envelope, nuclear speckles, telomere, nucleoplasm, nuclear matrix, PML body and nuclear pore complex.
Citation: Kumar R., Jain S., Kumari B., and Kumar M. (2014). "Protein sub-nuclear localization prediction using SVM and Pfam domain information." PLoS One 9(6): e98345.
PalmPred a novel in silico predictor which identify palmitoylation sites from protein sequence information using a support vector machine model.
Citation: Kumari B., Kumar R. and Kumar M. (2014). "PalmPred: an SVM based palmitoylation prediction method using sequence profile information." PLoS One 9(2): e89246.
miPepBase (Mimicry Peptide Database) is a database of only experimentally verified peptide sequences, which exhibit molecular mimicry. miPepBase provides comprehensive information about proteins and peptides of both host and pathogen, which are involved in the process of molecular mimicry.
Citation: Garg A., Kumari B., Kumar R. and Kumar M. (2017). "miPepBase: A Database of Experimentally Verified Peptides Involved in Molecular Mimicry." Frontiers in Microbiology 8: 2053.
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