Kumar R, Garg A, Kumari B, Jain A, and Kumar M (2021) "Identification of chloroplast and sub-chloroplast proteins from sequence-attributed features using support vector machine and domain information," IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB), 2021, pp. 1-9, doi: 10.1109/CIBCB49929.2021.9562787
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Kumari B, Kumar R, Kumar M (2019), Identifying residues that determine Palmitoylation using association rule mining. Bioinformatics DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz003.
Kumari B, Kumar R, Chauhan V, Kumar M (2018), Comparative functional analysis of proteins containing low-complexity credited amyloid regions. PeerJ 6:e5823.
Srivastava A*, Kumar R*, Kumar M (2018), BlaPred: predicting and classifying beta-lactamasde using a 3-tier prediction system via Chou's general PseAAC. Journal of Theoretical Biology 457:29-36.
Kumari B, Kumar R, Kumar M (2018), Prediction of rare Palmitoylation events in proteins. Journal of Computational Biology 25 (9):997-1008.
Kumar R, Kumari B, Kumar M (2018), Proteome-wide prediction and annotation of mitochondrial and sub-mitochondrial proteins by incorporating domain information. Mitochondrion 42:11-22.
Garg A, Kumari B, Kumar R, Kumar M (2017), MiPepBase: A database of experimentally verified peptides involved in molecular mimicry. Frontiers in Microbiology 8:2053.
Kumar R, Kumari B, Kumar M (2017), Prediction of endoplasmic reticulum resident proteins using fragmented amino acid composition and support vector machine. PeerJ 5:e3561.
Kumar R, Kumari B, Kumar M (2016), PredHSP: Sequence based proteome-wide heat shock protein prediction and classification tool to unlock the stress biology. PlosOne 11(5):e0155872.
Kumari B, Kumar R, Kumar M (2014), Low complexity and disordered regions of proteins have different structural and amino acid preferences. Molecular Biosystems 11, 585-594.
Kumar R*, Kumari B*, Srivastava A, Kumar M (2014), NRfamPred: A proteome-scale two level method for prediction of nuclear proteins and their subfamilies. Scientific Reports 4, 6810.
Kumar R*, Srivastava A*, Kumari B, Kumar M (2015), Prediction of betalactamase and its class by Chou's Pseudo-amino acid composition and support vector machine. Journal of Theoretical Biology 365, 96-103.
Kumari B*, Kumar R*, Kumar M (2014), PalmPred: An SVM Based Palmitoylation prediction method using sequence profile information. PlosOne 9(2): e89246.
Kumar R, Jain S, Kumari B, Kumar M (2014), Protein sub-nuclear localization prediction using SVM and Pfam domain information. PlosOne 9(6): e98345.
*Equal Contribution; #Corresponding Author
Books/Book Chapter
Kumar R*. Ruhel, R (2021) “Application of system biology approaches for fungal disease in animals.” Volume II, Fungal Diseases in Animals. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-030-69506-4
Kumar R*, Ruhel R (2019), Emergence of Invasive Fungal Infection: Diagnosis and Treatment in Humans. In: Gupta A., Singh N. (eds) Recent Developments in Fungal Diseases of Laboratory Animals. Fungal Biology. Springer, Cham. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-18586-2_9.